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Wpscan Erro –nokogiri Erro Apos Atualizacao

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Wpscan Erro –nokogiri Erro Apos Atualizacao

This probably happened after an update. root@kali:~# wpscan --help [ERROR] cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri. Anyway, the fix is quite .... gem update --system --source Links Bloqueados para Visitantes. Registre-se ou ... nokogiri (>= was resolved to 1.7.1, which depends on ... Se alguem souber como resolver esse problema, fico muito grato ao forum.. É possível que você receba uma mensagem de erro após atualizar seu wpscan através de svn up. Isto pode até ser um pouco confuso, porque ...

Now you need to update the WPScan database with information about plugins ... If the error Could not open library 'libcurl.dll', '',.... WPScan is a free, for non-commercial use, black box WordPress Vulnerability ... an 'undefined symbol: rmpd_util_str_to_d' error in some systems, see #1283 ... depending on your OS, see ... in Kali Linux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ) depending how WPScan was... 2

1@wpscan/bin/bundle install. ... But only my local gems were update due to the gem: --user-install restriction in my /etc/. 0. ... 04 [Rails] problems with installing the rails gem [Rails] Re: gem error: (Errno::EACCES) Permission denied [Rails] Gem ... Now when I try to install by gem install nokogiri , it says permission denied.. Any attempts to run wpscan threw the following error: ... Update WPScan to the latest version [X ]; Update Ruby to the latest version [X ]; Ensure... HERE

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